District AGM

Annual General Meeting of the Reivers District Scout Council – ‘District AGM’

1. District AGM date

The Reivers District AGM is scheduled to take place on Thursday 2nd July at 1930.  In view of the current restriction on face to face Scouting this meeting will take place online. 

Details of how to access the meeting will be published nearer the time as will the agenda and the Annual Report of the Trustees including the accounts.


2. A summary of Membership of the District Scout Council is:

  • Commissioners
  • Scout Active Support Members
  • Scouters
  • Administrators
  • Section Assistants
  • Skills Instructors
  • Advisers
  • Explorer Scouts
  • Parents of Explorer Scouts
  • Scout Network Members


3. There are three main tasks for the AGM:

a) Confirm membership of the District Scout Council including approving the District Commissioner’s nomination for District Chair and the elections of the District Secretary and Treasurer.

b) Receiving the Trustees Annual Report including the accounts

c) Forming the District Executive Committee – The District Trustees.


4. Membership of the District Executive Committee is through four routes:

a) Ex-officio:

District Chair, Secretary and Treasurer

District Commissioner, Youth Commissioner, Explorer Scout Commissioner, Scout Network Commissioner

b) Nominated by the DC in consultation with the District Chair

c) Elected by the District Scout Council

d) Co-opted by the Executive Committee.


5. Action for Members to take:

a) Make a note of the date and time

b) Ensure that this notice is passed to those who might not have received it e.g. Explorer Scouts and their parents

c) Pass to the Acting District Secretary any nominations for election:

i) as District Secretary of as District Treasurer

ii) as an elected member of the District Executive Committee (District Trustee)

by Thursday 18th June.

Please ask if you would like details of these elected roles.

d) Look out for the Full AGM Agenda, the Trustees Annual Report including the accounts and how to access the meeting.


Starts: 02/07/2020 - 20:00

Ends: 02/07/2020 - 21:00

